Who is Y-Risk?
Y-Risk is an underwriting company of The Hartford (A.M. Best rated A+, XV) focused on the Sharing & On-Demand Economy. As part of a globally respected and innovative insurance company, we develop tailor-made coverages and usage-based pricing to match each client’s business model.
What will it cost me?
Why pay for what you don’t use? At Y-Risk, we offer tailored insurance products and usage-based pricing approaches, which means we develop a per task, per mile, or per activity charge to correspond with each client’s specific exposures. Our current insureds love this flexibility.
What lines of business does Y-Risk offer?
We provide customized Commercial General Liability, Commercial Auto, Property and Inland Marine. We continue to expand what lines we offer as our customer requirements change.
What type of marketplace platforms are you targeting?
Y-Risk is focusing on tech-based companies where users buy, sell, share, borrow or deliver goods and/or services on-demand. Here are a few examples of target clients and download our Target Risk Guide for more info:
Will your coverage extend to service providers?
Y-Risk can provide “drop down coverage” for the service providers while performing services through platform companies via proprietary manuscript endorsements.